Kaetrena's Introduction


Charlotte- Douglas International Airport's D-gates terminal.

"Alas, what danger will it be to us/Maids as we are, to travel forth so far?" - As You Like It, William Shakespeare

For a bit over a month before our trip to Italy, Dr. Lawrence and I would meet often to discuss the details of our upcoming trip. Many of these meetings were impromptu and involved a lot of squealing with excitement. I've always enjoyed traveling, and when I was offered the chance to go to Italy with this class, I jumped at the opportunity. 

That being said, the thought of going to Italy was a bit overwhelming. So much art! So much history! So much food culture. And of course, Shakespeare :-). I really had trouble wrapping my head around the enormity of all there is to see, learn, and then tell others about when I returned. In addition to the massive amounts of information I was bound to gather on this trip, this experience was also different for me since it was a group tour. I usually travel on my own, so I was pretty nervous about the differences I'd contend with in group travel.  To combat my nerves, I decided to take each day as it comes and not have any expectations beyond the fact that I'm. Going. To. Italy. And that is awesome enough!

So, a seven hour plane ride to Munich followed by a one-hour flight to Milan, and then a four-hour bus ride to Jesolo, Italy (a beach town near Venice)...keep reading to find out more!